Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Our Best holiday

Last year my kids and I moved to Arizona to be near our family. I moved away over fifteen years ago, before I had kids, so my children have never really had a chance to get to know their relatives. The last several holidays we have spent here, are the first ones my kids have ever been able to spend with my mom. I am reminded of holidays I’ve spent with my mom and my grandparents as I was growing up and those memories are very special to me. I didn’t realize how important this move was for us, until I saw how happy everyone is to be together. Watching my mom walk around with my 2 year old, trick or treating on Halloween, made my heart swell because I knew how much it meant to my mom to be able to have that experience with her granddaughter. I loved being able to have my family over to my house for Thanksgiving and make a delicious feast for everyone. It brought back memories of Thanksgivings at my grandparent’s house, grandma cooking in the kitchen, grandpa watching football on the couch and mouthwatering smells filling the air. My oldest daughter went to Washington to spend Christmas with her dad this year but before she left we were able to take family pictures in front of our Christmas tree and even took a trip up the mountain to roast marshmallows, drink hot chocolate and play in the snow. My parents spent the night with us on Christmas Eve to be part of putting Santa’s cookies and presents out for my little one. This Christmas was the first time my parents didn’t have to look at pictures to see the joy on my daughter’s face as she saw the gifts under the tree and opened them with excitement. My youngest turned three years old last month and it was also the first time my mom was able to be there for one of her grandchildren’s birthdays. We had a party with my family and everyone sang happy birthday, watched her blow out her candles and open her gifts. When we lived in Washington I wished that we could live closer to our family, but I didn’t really think about the memories and experiences that my mom and my kids were missing out on. My grandparents were always very dear to me and now that they are gone all I have are wonderful memories of them. I’m glad that my kids are able to feel that unconditional love and create lasting memories with my mom that they will be able to cherish throughout their lives. No matter what may happen during our family holidays together, I know that my children's memories of them will be filled with laughter, happiness, and love, just as mine were."

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