Tuesday, February 7, 2012

My definition of love 5/4/11

I think there are many different kinds of love (family, friends, kids, pets, and of course relationships) but they are all built on the same basic fundamental things. Almost everyone experiences love in some form, from someone at some point in their lives, but only an extremely rare few will experience real, true, head over heels, doing back flips, outta your damn mind kinda love, and have the other person feel the exact same way. Which is why im gonna discuss my take on that particular love. My definition of that kind of love has taken a life time to develop itself. Most of my life i thought true love only happened in movies and books and if people said they were in love and talked about how great everything was, i assumed they were lying, not wanting others to know they werent as happy as they wanted to be. Ive always been rather jaded and pessimistic when it came to the subject of love. Never really being one to turn into a googly eyed, goofy smile wearing dipshit over a guy, I never really knew what the big deal was about being "in love" but eventually realized, that its because i had been in 3 long term relationships totaling around 10 years all together between the 3, and i was never actually in love with any of them. If you have never had that... im so happy i cant stop smiling, feels like butterflies are going to bust out of my chest, cant think about anything or anyone else, only want to be with them forever and ever feeling... you dont think about it, because you dont know what youre missing... but something has changed in me and i honestly believe that there is a possibility that you can meet someone that will make you feel that way... And the definition of love will become very clear. Im not saying i believe in love at first sight, per say, but i do believe that you can look at someone and know you feel something for them, thats more than lust or a basic physical attraction... then when you talk to them and find out that you have a lot in common, you want to hear everything they have to say, you never get bored and you hang on their every word, a hug from them makes you feel safe and happy and like you wouldnt want to be anywhere else in the world, kissing is very natural and sensual, leaving you seeing stars... and sex, already a fun and favorite past time of many, reaches a new level of amazing, because there is so much more intimacy and passion involved. True love, to me, is the mutual respect and mirroring feelings between two people. I believe if you truly love someone you want them to be happy, and you love them selflessly and unconditionally and in order to obtain that level of love and respect for someone you have to receive the same from them. There are a lot of emotions and qualities needed from each person to form a happy and healthy relationship and both people need to feel comfortable, trusted, happy, safe and important to the other. I am by no means an expert on love, nor am i a fool. I fully realize life isnt a fairy tale and there arent always happy endings, but if you are one of the lucky people to have experienced this kind of love, hang on to it and enjoy it while you can, i know i will if i get the chance =)

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